
Becoming American - A Timeline of Chinese Immigrants in the U.S.

Year    Episode/Event

1850             2 Chinese men were listed in the first U.S. census. They were house servants.
                    美國第一次人口調查列有兩位華人, 職業為僕人.

1859             A newspaper, The Los Angeles Star, reported the arrival of the first Chinese woman in
                     Los Angeles. 洛杉磯一報紙報導第一位華人女性抵達洛杉磯.

1860             There were 4 Chinese-owned laundries in Los Angeles.

1865             Thousands of Chinese from the Guangdong Province were recruited by Central Pacific
                     Railroad to work on the western portion of transcontinental railroad.

1871             Chinese Massacre of Los Angeles. 19 Chinese were dead.
                    洛杉磯華人大屠殺. 19名華人死亡.

1882             The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed by U.S. Congress. Its major provision included
                     suspension of further immigration of Chinese laborers. Laborers already in the U.S. could
                     not bring their wives and children. All Chinese residents were denied naturalization.
                    美國國會通過排華法案, 禁止華人勞工移民美國. 已經在美國的華人勞工不准申請其
                    家屬來美. 所有華人均不得入籍美國.

1890             Way Leung Kung Saw, the predecessor of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent
                     Association, was formed to protect the welfare of the Chinese in Los Angeles.
                    羅省中華公所之前身正式成立, 以保障華人之權益.

1898             Los Angeles’ first Chinese newspaper, Wah Mei Sun Po, was founded by Ng Poon Chew,
                     a Presbyterian minister. 洛杉磯一華人牧師開辦第一份中文報紙.

1904             Dr. Sun Yat-Sen visited Los Angeles to seek support for the revolution of China.

1914             Chinese American Citizens Alliance (CACA) was established to protect and defend the
                     civil rights of Chinese Americans

1943             Madame Chiang Kai-Shek spoke to the assembled members of U.S. Congress. Congress
                     repealed Chinese Exclusion Act and established an annual quota of 105 Chinese
              immigrants, which was based on 1/6 of 1% of the number of Chinese in the U.S. in 1920.
                    蔣宋美齡赴美國國會演講. 國會廢除排華法案, 並准許每年105名華人移民來美.

1959             Judge Delbert Wong became the first Chinese American to be appointed as a judge of
                     any court in the continental United States.

1962             The first Chinese American bank, Cathay Bank, was established in Southern California.

1965             Congress passed Immigration and Naturalization Act. Many Chinese immigrants came.
                    美國國會通過"移民及入籍法例". 華人開始大量移民美國.

1974             March Fong Eu was elected California Secretary of State.

1985             Shien Biau (S.B.) Woo was elected Lieutenant Governor of Delaware – the historic first
                     Asian American Lt. Governor in the Continental USA.
                    吳仙標當選為德拉威州副州長. 他也是美國本土48州的第一位亞裔副州長.

1987             Judge Ronald S. W. Lew became the first Chinese American Federal District Judge in the
                     continental United States.

1996             Gary Locke was elected governor of Washington - the first Asian American governor on
                     the Mainland. 駱家輝被選為華盛頓州州長. 他也是美國本土48州的第一位亞裔州長.

1999             David Wu became the first Chinese American Congressman (Oregon).

2001             Elaine Chao became the first Chinese and Asian Woman in the U.S. President’s Cabinet.

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Source Post Date
美華裔成移民創業主流 新浪網 01-10-07
美人口过3亿华裔亦呈新特点 僑報 10-19-06
美國加州華裔人口大幅增長生存狀態改善 新浪網 10-18-06
布什总统:华裔贡献美国 僑報 09-17-06
全美華人勞工近145萬 新浪網 09-05-06
全美華人逾288萬  人口普查局最新統計 世界新聞網 08-16-06
移民不是負擔 是社會經濟支柱 世界新聞網 08-16-06
丕優:移民未搶美國人飯碗 世界新聞網 08-11-06
華僑經濟年鑑 僑委會 08-08-06


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