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<FaFa Package> Promoting your business for $88 a year! |
If your company has products/services with good quality and excellent prices, we would love to introduce them to FaFa readers... (please use the following Form) |
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Company Listing Form 公司資料刊登表格 |
The print (2007-2008) edition of "FaFa Yellow Pages" will be published in January 2007. Your company may effectively broaden its exposure to a new spectrum of international audience, including global suppliers & buyers, by being listed in "FaFa Yellow Pages". |
<發發黃頁>之新(2007-2008)平面版將於2007年元月發行o <發發黃頁>發行遍及美中港台,讀者大多在南加州經商或為專業人士o 刊登資料於<發發黃頁>有助於貴公司將產品或服務有效地介紹給華人企業及美國主流商界o <發發黃頁>讀者包括進出口商, 批發商, 零售商, 服務業及製造業人士等o |
Mandarin Lessons for Corporate America |
如何在美国做生意 |
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